The Summarize of Waveguide Size and Operating Frequency
Time : 2023-03-17

A waveguide is a structure that guides waves, such as electromagnetic waves or sound, with minimal loss of energy by restricting the transmission of energy to one direction. Without the physical constraint of a waveguide, wave intensities decrease according to the inverse square law as they expand into three-dimensional space.


Waveguides are primarily used as transmission lines at microwave frequencies, used in microwave ovens, radar, communication satellites, and microwave radio link equipment to connect microwave transmitters and receivers to their antennas.


The advantage of the waveguide is that the conductor loss and dielectric loss are small; the power capacity is large; there is no radiation loss; the structure is simple and easy to manufacture.


In this article, we’d like to share the common waveguide port type, WR port size, and its corresponding working band.

WR Model Inner Size (inch Freq. Range(GHz TE10 Cutting Freq. (GHz Inner Size (mm UIY WR Flange size (mm
WR-1 0.010 x 0.005 750-1100 590.551 0.254*0.127 /
WR-1.5 0.0150 x 0.0075 500-750 393.701 0.381*0.1905 /
WR-2 0.020 x 0.010 325-500 295.276 0.508*0.254 /
WR-3 0.034 x 0.017 220-325 173.691 0.8636*0.4318 /
WR-4 0.0430 x 0.0215 170-260 137.337 1.0922*0.5461 /
WR-5 0.0510 x 0.0255 140-220 115.794 1.2954*0.6477 /
WR-6 0.0650 x 0.0325 110-170 90.854 1.651*0.8255 /
WR-8 0.08 x 0.04 90-140 73.8189 2.032*1.016 /
WR-10 0.10 x 0.05 75-110 59.0551 2.54*1.27 dia19.1
WR-12 0.122 x 0.061 60-90 48.4058 3.099*1.549 dia19.1
WR-15 0.148 x 0.074 50-75 39.9021 3.76*1.88 dia19.1
WR-19 0.188 x 0.094 40-60 31.4123 4.775*2.388 dia28.6
WR-22 0.224 x 0.112 33-50 26.3639 5.69*2.85 dia28.6
WR-28 0.280 x 0.140 26.5-40 21.0911 7.112*3.556 19.0*19.0
WR-34 0.340 x 0.170 20-33 17.3692 8.64*4.32 21.1*21.1
WR-42 0.420 x 0.170 18-26.5 14.0607 10.67*4.32 22.4*22.4
WR-51 0.510 x 0.255 15-22 11.5794 12.95*6.48 30.2*30.2
WR-62 0.622 x 0.311 12.4-18 9.49439 15.8*7.9 33.4*33.4
WR-75 0.750 x 0.375 10 ~ 15 7.87401 19.05*9.53 38.1*38.1
WR-90 0.900 x 0.400 8.2-12.4 6.56167 22.86*10.16 41.3*41.3
WR-112 1.122 x 0.497 7.05-10 5.26338 28.5*12.62 47.8*47.8
WR-137 1.372 x 0.622 5.85-8.2 4.30431 34.85*15.8 68.3*49.2
WR-159 1.590 x 0.795 4.9-7.05 3.71416 40.4*20.2 81.0*61.9
WR-187 1.872 x 0.872 3.95-5.85 3.15465 47.55*22.15 88.9*63.5
WR-229 2.29 x 1.15 3.3-4.9 2.57882 58.17*29.08 98.4*69.9
WR-284 2.84 x 1.34 2.6-3.95 2.07941 72.1*34 114.3*76.2
WR-340 3.4 x 1.7 2.2-3.3 1.73692 86.36×43.18 138.2*95
WR-430 4.30 x 2.15 1.7-2.6 1.37337 109.22*54.61 161.1*106.4
WR-650 6.50 x 3.25 1.12-1.17 0.90854 165.1*82.55 220.7*138.1
WR-770 7.700 x 3.385 0.96-1.5 0.76695 195.58*97.79 285*187.4
WR-975 9.75 x 4.875 0.75-1.1 0.59203 247.65*123.82 336.6*212.7
WR-1150 11.50 x 5.75 0.64-0.96 0.51352 292.1*146.1 381*235
WR-1500 15.0 x 7.5 0.49-0.74 0.3937 381*190.5 469.9*279.4
WR-1800 18 x 9 0.43-0.62 0.32808 457.2*228.6 546.1*317.5
WR-2100 21.0 x 10.5 0.35-0.53 0.28121 533.4*266.7 625.5*358.8
WR-2300 23.0 x 11.5 0.32-0.49 0.25676 584.2*292.1 676.3*384.2