POI System Design and Features

In last article, we introduced the concept and common applications of the POI system. This article will focus on the POI system design and product features. The common design of POI System:1) Two-way co-channel mode for signal sending and receiving. 2)One-way split mode for signal sending and receiving. POI system product features:1. Compatible with multiple systemsMeet DTV, 2G, 3G,……

Quick Understanding of POI System

POI is the abbreviation of POINT OF INTERFACE, that is, a multi-system integration platform. It is mainly used for multi-band and multi-signal combination to achieve compatible coverage of multi-network signals. It realizes multi-system, multi-band signal transceiver and cable transmission: and is able to meet the versatile requirements of DTV, 2G,  3G, 4G,  5G (can support LTE MIMO) etc. The……

The Pros and Cons of Different Filter Structures

LC FiltersThe LC filter is a filter composed of appropriate capacitors and inductors. It could be designed to realize low-pass, band-pass, high-pass, and band-stop filters.Pros: Small size, low cost, long parasitic passbandCons: The insertion loss is high, the out-of-band selection performance is poor, and the power capacity is small.In addition, the inductance in the LC filter adopts the method o……

The RF Characteristics that Define the Performance of a Filter

In last article, we introduced the basic concepts of filter. Today, we’d like to discuss further about the RF characteristics of the filter and how it defines its performances.Usually, the RF characteristics used to describe the filter performance are:  Orders (Stages) Absolute bandwidth / Relative bandwidth Cutting Frequency VSWR Out-of-Band Rejection Ripple in band Insertion loss Flatness……

What you need to know about RF Filter

The RF filter is one of the essential key components in the radio frequency system. It is mainly used for frequency selection—letting the required frequency signal pass and reflecting the unwanted interference frequency signal.A classic example of a filter application is a receiver or transmitter front end, as shown inFigure 1: Receiver RF Front-EndAs can be seen from Figure 1, the filter is wid……

Welcome to EuMW 2023 at Berlin Germany

The 26th edition of the European Microwave Week (EuMW 2023) will come to Berlin to continue the annual series of highly successful microwave events that started back in 1998. EuMW 2023 comprises three co-located conferences:  The European Microwave Conference (EuMC)  The European Microwave Integrated Circuits Conference (EuMIC)  The European Radar Conference (EuRAD) In addition, EuMW 202……